My upgrading path to Apple Silicon – Part 1

I have been a Mac user since 2009 when, tired of buying a new Windows laptop every year due to mysterious hardware and software failures, I ordered my first Mac. It was also my first experience with buying a computer from the Apple Store and with their phone support. Fourteen years later, I can tell you that it was like nothing I had ever experienced before and, after all the legalised frauds I had gone through, it contributed considerably to my choice.

Learning the C Programming Language as a Classical Musician

Episode 1 Introduction So yes, I am back with learning how to code, after more than 2 years of complete stop during which I have probably launched Xcode twice. Most of those of you who follow me on Twitter do so because of those more than 100 articles I wrote back then when I wasContinue reading “Learning the C Programming Language as a Classical Musician”

Is my ISP playing tricks on my iCloud Drive?

Today’s post is a more narrative rather than technical one. It takes its lead from my previous article on iCloud Drive, and wants to get a bit deeper, thanks also to Howard Oakley’s excellent article on what to do when everything seems to fail with your iCloud Drive. In my previous article I stated how,Continue reading “Is my ISP playing tricks on my iCloud Drive?”

Do not use “Documents & Desktop in the Cloud”

TL;DR: the title says it all: if you use iCloud Drive a lot—as I do—just do not store your Documents & Desktop folders in it, just don’t, it will only cause you troubles. Today’s article will take the place of the one I wanted to write yesterday, but I was blocked by this most annoyingContinue reading “Do not use “Documents & Desktop in the Cloud””