An Italian cellist’s journey into Serbian Language — Lesson 16

Welcome back! I am glad you have made a deliberate choice to come back and travel alongside me in this fascinating journey through the Serbian language. Today, we will look at one more phonetical transformation, the _dissimilation of consonants._ Brace up, and let’s get started.

An Italian cellist’s journey into Serbian Language — Lesson 12

Welcome back!

I hope you are enjoying these lessons that mix the study of the Serbian language with my musical and engraving skills.

Get ready because today we delve deep into yet another transformation, which promises to confuse the cards on the table even more! Let’s get started!

An Italian cellist’s journey into Serbian Language — Lesson 11

Welcome back!

After an intense lesson on the _assimilation based on sonority_ transformation, here we come with a new challenge. The concept of this new transformation is, perhaps, simpler than the other one, but has the complicating factor of requiring other transformations to take effect. Let’s dive deep in.

An Italian cellist’s journey into Serbian Language — Lesson 10

Under specific conditions in the Serbian language, words undergo subtle changes to certain consonants and vowels based on surrounding letters and sounds. These changes are called _Phonetic transformations,_ or, in Serbian, Гласовне промене—literally, “voice changes”.