Dotzauer Project – Episode 9: announcing the “Three Easy Sonatas” for two cellos, Op. 103

This article is an expanded version of the _Editorial Notes_ that can be found in the published edition, available [at this link.] A promotional video of this score can be [watched here.]

My upgrading path to Apple Silicon — Part 5

[Last time,] we covered the poor experience I had with fetching my new Mac at the Apple Store. Presently, instead, I’m writing this article already on the new machine, completely set up. A few files still reside on the old Mac and will be transferred soon enough, but I would like you to know that I’m now up and running and delighted with it.

An Italian cellist’s journey into Serbian Language — Lesson 10

Under specific conditions in the Serbian language, words undergo subtle changes to certain consonants and vowels based on surrounding letters and sounds. These changes are called _Phonetic transformations,_ or, in Serbian, Гласовне промене—literally, “voice changes”.

My upgrading path to Apple Silicon — Part 3

Purchasing a new computer comes in several phases: planning, configuring, ordering, fetching, and configuring. If one is upgrading their main working machine, then it is even more important to get through most steps in the smoothest way possible.