Artistic Score Engraving — October 2022 Newsletter

Intro Deal all, Welcome to the October 2022 edition of the Artistic Score Engraving newsletter. It has been a turbulent month, coming back from Serbia, settling down, organising the new school year, and so much more. In short, I am nauseated by how things are going on here. You all know how we, in Italy,Continue reading “Artistic Score Engraving — October 2022 Newsletter”

Sorry for the silence…

Prologue It has been two weeks now since my last article, but I really needed a break. Before starting, I would like to apologise with all the people who are following me and are reading my articles, I know I have been publishing new ones almost every day before but I hope what I willContinue reading “Sorry for the silence…”

Solving Animations challenges with SwiftUI

100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 34 Learning Swift Day 219 Let’s start with the Review for project 6. We can use multiple animation() modifiers on a single view. Using several animation modifiers lets us animate a view’s state in different ways. The blur() modifier applies a Gaussian blur to a view, using a radiusContinue reading “Solving Animations challenges with SwiftUI”

Learning Animations with SwiftUI

100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 32 Learning Swift Day 217 Create a new Single View application, name it “Animations” and save it somewhere sensible. During this process I learned that even if my master folder for the 100 Days of SwiftUI is already under source control, I could put my project under source controlContinue reading “Learning Animations with SwiftUI”

Building an anagram game with Swift UI

100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 30 – Learning Swift Day 216 Adding to a list of words Inside ContentView.swift create three @State private variable properties, an empty array of Strings and two empty Strings. Inside the body property create a NavigationView, with a VStack inside it. Give it a TextField with a placeholder textContinue reading “Building an anagram game with Swift UI”