100 Days of Swift – Day 91

Introduction Today I am not in a hurry … I am the hurrying! I have so little time it is causing my head to turn so forgive me if I will skip the report from yesterday’s feeling and try to dive straight into the challenges… Review for Project 26 Here is what we learnt inContinue reading “100 Days of Swift – Day 91”

100 Days of Swift – Day 75

Reflections on Day 74 After the countless humiliation that has been yesterday’s challenge I am changing the title of my articles here as what I am doing is just a diary of this initiative which, in one way or another, I will bring to the end so that I can start anew doing it myContinue reading “100 Days of Swift – Day 75”

Hacking with Swift – Challenge 11

Time for another challenge! This is Day 51 for me and I will tackle Day 47 from Paul Hudson’s 100 Days of Swift initiative. I will keep trying to catch up as much as possibly but with every project becoming longer and each challenge getting…well, more challenging, it gets quite hard! I will also tryContinue reading “Hacking with Swift – Challenge 11”